Throughout the entire world, traditional and complementary medicines (TCMs) are a staple for the delivery of or a complement to healthcare. TCMs, inclusive of natural health products (NHPs), are found in almost every country in the world, yet their importance is often underestimated, despite their increased demand. Many countries are now recognizing the need to facilitate approaches that allow governments, healthcare practitioners and patients access to TCMs in a safe, respectful, cost-efficient and effective manner. This issue, in fact, is of such key importance that the World Health Organization has an entire strategy devoted to these medicines.


Approximately 70-80% of North Americans regularly take NHPs, including vitamins and minerals, herbal products, yet the amount of research studying the efficacy and safety of many of these products is surprisingly low. Though some variance exists by region, this percentage of use is generally comparable among Europeans and Australians.


If you are someone who…

  • asked your healthcare provider about an NHP you considered taking, only to be met by an “I don’t know”, or perhaps a “there’s no evidence for that” and/or;
  • takes vitamin or mineral supplements to maintain good health and find it challenging to select high-quality products and/or;
  • uses herbal products, or other NHPs, for chronic disease and believe there needs to be more patient information and/or;
  • believes that we need more information about the safety, efficacy, and quality of NHPs

...then this publication was created for you.


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NHP Publications is an innovative, scholarly publisher of the Journal of Natural Health Product Research, providing researchers with a vested interest in advancing knowledge surrounding NHPs with a central resource to publish their findings. In other words, we are working towards publishing the research that may hold the answers to your very questions and concerns about about vitamins, minerals, herbal remedies, traditional medicines and more.


What does your support allow us to do?

Academic researchers traditionally publish their research findings in subscription-based or open access journals. The former model prevents the public and other researchers who cannot afford the subscription fees from reading this article, while the latter model is often unaffordable for researchers who must typically pay a large article processing fee to make their article readable by anyone. As an innovative publisher, NHP Publications proposes a third model: a publically-funded, open access journal, where your donation offsets a portion of the author’s article processing fee while keeping their work readable by all.

Beyond this, as our core team is comprised of NHP researchers, we seek to use donations to help support the operations of the journal and establish a grant fund for NHP research. Beyond publishing studies on NHPs, we also believe in supporting researchers at earlier stages in the research process. To our knowledge, NHP Publications is the first academic publisher in the world to give back to the research community for which they publish.

While we readily support the research of NHPs, this field is often underfunded by agencies that provide the grants researchers need to hire the staff, purchase equipment, or publish their research.


Why do we need your support?

Your financial support benefits …

Scientists & Researchers: Provides NHP researchers with a central resource to publish their findings, reduced publication fees while still allowing their article to be freely available to anyone, and the opportunity to apply for grants to fund their research.

Healthcare Providers: Provides healthcare providers with the most current research being conducted on NHPs, a field of therapies that 1) patients commonly express interest in using and ask about, and 2) are largely not taught in healthcare education.

YOU: Provides you, your family, and your friends, with a larger, evidenced-informed body of research that will generate the answers you deserve to receive to the questions you have about NHP safety, efficacy and quality.


If you have any questions or wish to learn more about NHP Publications, we invite you to contact us at [email protected].


Please consider making a donation to NHP Publications and support natural health product research today, by clicking the "Donate" button below: